I am a newly married(second time around) mom of five. Please pass the Xanax and stay awhile.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
It hit me just now as I was singing Coryn to sleep just how very different her life will be growing up than mine was. I'm not really sure why it just hit me so strongly, maybe the reality of it is finally sinking in. This process is never ending it seems. I was singing a song about Mommies and Daddies and it just seemed so unfair to me that she is my one child who will never remember a time when she had a "normal" family. She definitely has two parents that love her but those two parents are very much living separate lives. Lives that are going in very different paths. She will never see her parents embrace, kiss, hug or glance lovingly at each other. She will never ride in a car to a soccer game, dance recital, choir concert with both of her parents. She will never open gifts on Christmas morning with her entire family present. These things make me so sad for her. I never realized growing up what a blessing it was to have both parents always there. I took it for granted. I'm sure my parents had their rough patches but they stuck it out and I'm so very grateful that I never had to watch my parents move on. I am so thankful that they loved me and each other enough to work it out. I hope that just because it is different, it is still a most awesome life. That I don't screw this part of it up more.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 5 GF
I feel human again. And I also had a weird reaction to a piece of normal pizza today. I was at a friend's and saw it...literally just SAW it, and normally I'd be all over it, but it was like a switch flipped in my brain. I was almost disgusted by it. It was strange and caught me off guard.
I woke up this morning, the irritability that was so heavy yesterday had vanished and I had a level of energy return. A friend of mine told me that they call that the gluten free flu. Those few days coming down off of it. She goes GF for her rheumatoid arthritis. Although she is much stricter than I am and limits her sugars as well. I hope that each day I keep seeing these sort of improvements. I'm proud that I have made it this far.
I woke up this morning, the irritability that was so heavy yesterday had vanished and I had a level of energy return. A friend of mine told me that they call that the gluten free flu. Those few days coming down off of it. She goes GF for her rheumatoid arthritis. Although she is much stricter than I am and limits her sugars as well. I hope that each day I keep seeing these sort of improvements. I'm proud that I have made it this far.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
It seems that gluten-free has been on my path for awhile now. In 2010, my middle daughter was having terrible stomach pain. We sought specialists at Children's Mercy Hospital and after testing but no biopsies it revealed that she was borderline Gluten Intolerant. Without a biopsy she couldn't truly be diagnosed. We went gluten free with her, but the stomach problems continued. At this time I bought several books about going gluten free and did a lot of internet reading. One of the books was Gluten Free for Dummies We went another route with my daughter and the books sat on the shelf gathering dust. Fast forward to the present. I have not had a great quality of life for quite some time. I struggle with depression, I am hypothyroid, I never have ANY energy, and my number one complaint is my insane allergies. Last week while talking with my girlfriend, Christy, I was convinced that trying a GF diet for myself might not be a bad idea. In an instant I made the decision and today is day four of being GF. I am definitely going through some sort of withdrawal as I don't feel good right now and my fatigue? It's worse. Everything I read though tells me to give it a week or two. I plan on documenting my experience and some of the resources and recipes that I am relying on here. So far the diet reminds a bit of the South Beach diet but with some carbs like Potatoes, Rice and Quinoa pasta. I am also pleased that I can have many of the treats that other diets restrict so much. My first resource and recipe that I am going to share are an interesting read about the thyroid/Gluten connection and the recipe is for flour-less pizza crust(and let me tell you it was GOOD!) So here goes:
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