Friday, November 12, 2010


This number appears to me almost everyday. The interesting thing about it is that it is the time I was born. I have noticed it for a long time but it wasn't until recently that I started to really take note of how often it shows up in my life. It is often the total of a bill or the change I am to be given. It will be written on a bus or seat as I am passing and just happen to glance up. Almost every day I glance up at the clock at exactly 3:47. I can't tell you how many times I have glanced at the clock in the early morning hours at exactly this time. Pulled from sleep at that exact moment.

As a person intrigued by numbers(not math...I suck at math) I am also interested in the fact that 3+4=7. Ok you can call me a total nerd now, but wait there's more. The number 7!!! This is where I find my peace. The number 7 is biblical. It is the number of spiritual perfection.

Seven in Hebrew means to be full,satisfied, to have enough. On the 7th day God rested after his creation was complete. The 7th day is the day of rest, our Sabbath. And there are so many more interesting "coincidences" about this number. Really you should Google it because it makes my love for my number 347 all the more important to me. You see things right now are rough for me. I am looking for peace and love and I find it encouraging when I see MY number during the day. Do I think of it as a coincidence? Absolutely not! I KNOW in the deepest place of my heart that it is God telling me that he is here for me, loving me, holding me! He bears my burden.

How precious is Your steadfast love, oh God! The children of men take refuge and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:7

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